Many Mountains Moving literary journal



book contest


mmm press





Editorial Board

Naomi Horii, Editor-in-Chief

Naomi Horii is a freelancer writer and editor. She is the recipient of the Colorado Council on the Arts Fellowship in Fiction and of the Rocky Mountain Women's Institute Fellowship in Fiction.

Debra Bokur, Poetry Editor

Debra Bokur is a poet, screenwriter, playwright and journalist who lives overlooking the Continental Divide in the wilds of Colorado. A former film critic, she has worked as a newspaper editor, film critic and magazine editor, and spent years training horses for dressage and three-day eventing on a farm in North Florida. Her work has appeared in a variety of domestic and international magazines, journals and anthologies. She is the recipient of the 1996 Frances Buck Sherman Award and a contributing author to Spreading the Word: Editors on Poetry (The Bench Press, 2001). A native of New England, she has one son, three dogs, campaigns for independent film and dreams endlessly of the sea.

Miho Shida, Art Editor

Miho Shida has loved anything to do with art ever since she was in preschool. Most of her time is spent being a mom and molecular biologist, but she also dabbles in art when she can.

Steven Church, Nonfiction Editor

Steven Church earned his BA in philosophy at the University of Kansas and his MFA in Fiction from Colorado State University. His nonfiction has been published in Fourth Genre, Puerto Del Sol, Quarter After Eight, Post Road, Quarterly West, Riverteeth, and others. His work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and he was awarded an Artist Fellowship in Creative Nonfiction for 2003 from the Colorado Council on the Arts. He is the co-coordinator of Poetry and Prose at the Bas Bleu Theatre in Fort Collins and a founding member of the writing/arts activism group, The Minions.

David Robert Rozgonyi, Contributing Editor & Editorial Services Director

David Robert Rozgonyi was born in the late fall of 1976 in Tripoli, Libya, to Hungarian immigrant parents. Travel and languages became a way of life as Mr. Rozgonyi backpacked across six continents, spending months among local residents in remote corners of the world, including China, Africa, the Middle East, and South America. In his life apart from writing and traveling, Mr. Rozgonyi fronted a jazz band in Sydney, Australia, spent a year living entirely nocturnally as a snooker and billiards hustler, and, in recent years, earned an MBA. He currently lives in Colorado.

Luis Alberto Urrea, Contributing Editor

Luis Alberto Urrea is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction, including Nobody's Son, the 1999 winner of the American Book Award, and Across the Wire, a New York Times Notable Book of the year. He has been a cartoonist, extra in movies, and teacher. He currently works at the University of Illinois.

Marilyn Krysl, Contributing Editor

Marilyn Krysl has published more than 100 poems, stories, and essays in The Atlantic, The Nation, and The New Republic. She has been the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant and a grant from the Colorado Council on the Arts. She has served as director of the creative writing program at the University of Colorado, and a co-editor for Many Mountains Moving.

Alissa Reardon Norton, Administrative Manager

Margo McCall

Margo McCall learned her design and editing skills while working for newspapers. She has an M.A. in English from California State University Northridge and writes short stories, some of which have been published in various journals, including Sidewalks, Rockfalls Review, In*tense, Pacific Review, and Mind in Motion.

Beth Lorio, Office Administrator

Beth has been involved with Funky Arts Administration since 1993 when she helped found an ensemble theatre company in the wilds of chicken farming country in southern Delaware. Now living in Boulder, Colorado, she is involved in her solo career, horsewomanship, and way-out New Age spiritualism.

Jessica Perciante, Intern

Jessica Perciante is an English major and writing and music minor at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO. She is the editor of The Mirror, UNC's student newspaper and was the treasurer of The Crucible, the student literary magazine, during the past year. She is enjoying her work at Many Mountains Moving this summer.

Literary Salon

Ann Tinkham, Literary Salon Coordinator

Ann Tinkham is a freelance writer, editor, and instructional designer. Ann is working on a saucy collection of vignettes and a sassy nonfiction book.


Michael McCole, Web Manager

Michael McCole's fiction has appeared in Pleiades, The Notre Dame Review, and The Blue Moon Review. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife.


Shannon Arancio, Newsletter Editor

Shannon Arancio graduated from Florida State University with a B.A. in creative writing. She currently lives and writes in Denver.

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