Poetry Contest winners | Bio notes below


More Poetry from 2005-2006 (alphabetical by author)



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Renato Rosaldo, Winner of the first MMM Poetry Online & in print Contest




The top 5 finalist poems selected by Marcus Cafagña:


Death in Seven Movements by Marj Hahne


Face by Marj Hahne


In the Name of Cleanliness by Aimee Norton

4325 Baltimore Ave. by Adam Fieled


and Encounter by Mark Thalman




Semifinalists selected by the MMM Poetry Editors:


Trenton Hickman


Nancy Tupper Ling


Diane Sahms Guarnieri


Tamara Oakman


















BIO notes:


Renato Rosaldo began writing poetry as “healing songs” in English and Spanish shortly after he suffered a stroke in 1996. He did not expect to become addicted to poetry. His first published poem appeared in Many Mountains Moving. His first book of poetry, Prayer to Spider Woman/Rezo a la mujer araña (2003, Saltillo, Mexico: Icocult) received an American Book Award, 2004. As a cultural anthropologist at New York University, he is the author of Culture and Truth.















Marj Hahne is a poet and educator who has performed and taught at over 100 venues around the country, as well as been featured on local radio and television programs. Her poems have been published in Paterson Literary Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Mad Poets Review, and Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts; and in anthologies such as Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam, An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind: Poets On 9/11, and Off the Cuffs: Poetry by and about the police. Marj's poems have also appeared in several art exhibits, as well as been incorporated in the work of visual artists and dancers. She has a poetry CD titled notspeak.















Aimee A. Norton is a professional astronomer researching solar magnetism. Her passions include poetry and science fiction. She has published research in The Astrophysical Journal, Solar Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals in both Australia and the U.S. including Byline, Paper Wasp and The Blue Marmot Review.














Adam Fieled is poet, essayist, critic, musician, and the founder of two artist co-ops, This Charming Lab and the Philly Free School. He has work in Jacket, Rain Taxi, Boog City, Great Works, The Argotist, Hinge, TS Review, hutt, te_a_tro, Siren's Silence, American Writing: A Magazine, Night Rally, the Philadelphia Independent, Cake Train, Hidden Oak, and edits the blog-journal PFS Post (www.artrecess.blogspot.com). He has released three albums, two all music, "Darkyr Sooner" (2000, mp3.com) and "Ardent" (2004, Webster Street Gang Productions), and a spoken word album, "Raw Rainy Fog" (2002, Radio Eris Records). A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he is currently completing an MFA in poetry at New England College.














Mark Thalman’s poetry has been widely published over the last three decades. His work has appeared in Carolina Quarterly, Chariton Review, CutBank, Natural Bridge, Pennsylvania Review, Sou’wester, Texas Review, Wisconsin Review, and Whetstone among others. He received his MFA from the University of Oregon, and he teaches English in the public schools. Mark lives in Forest Grove, Oregon, with his wife, Carole, and their two golden retrievers: Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie.















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