2010 MMM Press Poetry Book Prize Guidelines [updated 08/24/2010] | Printable guidelines

Please note that we are still reading the entries for this prize. It is taking longer this year than last year. We are getting close to a list of semifinalists. Thanks for your patience.

Also, there will be a new extended deadline for the 2011 MMM Press Poetry Book Prize. Please come back for details soon.


Prize: The winner receives $1,000 and publication by MMM Press in 2011.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Sept 20, 2010 (postmark or email)

Entry fee: $25 {Entitles first entrants to a free back issue while they last and the opportunity to buy a new MMM Subscription for $10.00, and any of the MMM Press Books, They Sing at Midnight, invisible sister, & Feeding the Fear of the Earth, Silkie, Ashes in Midair & All That Gorgeous Pitiless Song for $10. Please use this order form (second page of printed guidelines) if you want a free back issue or anything else.}

Final Judge: Patrick Lawler, author of Feeding the Fear of the Earth


• Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.

• Staff and their family members are not eligible to enter.

• Simultaneous submissions are allowed if the poet agrees to notify MMM Press of acceptance elsewhere.

• Entries may not be previously published, but individual poems and chapbook-length sections may have been if the previous publisher gives permission to reprint. (More than half of the ms. may not have been published as a collection.)

Submission Checklist & NEW email submission guidelines:

• A typed ms. of 50-100 pages of original poetry, single- or double-spaced. (The author’s name must NOT appear anywhere on the ms.)

• A cover letter with the title of the collection, a brief bio, your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address(es).

• Acknowledgments may be included in the ms. but are not required.

• A $25 check or money order payable to Many Mountains Moving Press.

• An SASE for the winner announcement. Mss. will not be returned.

• The order form for contest entrants with a choice of discounts on subscriptions and books. This order form is on the the second page of the printable guidelines.


Or via e-mail, send an attachment (RTF, Word, WordPerfect or PDF) to [email protected] without any identification in the ms. itself.

Send a cover letter on paper along with the paper order form to the address below with a check and identification of the ms. etc.

As with any paper submission, mss. will be acknowledged as received as soon as the check and order form arrive.

Send to:

Many Mountains Moving Poetry Book Prize

Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Senior Poetry Editor

Many Mountains Moving Press

1705 Lombard Street

Phila. PA 19146


The 2010 poetry contest winner is Erica Goss for "2:00 a.m."

Erica Goss’s poems, articles and reviews have appeared in many journals, most recently Hotel Amerika, Pearl, Main Street Rag, Rattle, Eclectica, Blood Lotus, Café Review, Zoland Poetry, Comstock Review, Lake Effect, and Perigee. Her chapbook, Wild Place, will be published in 2011 from Finishing Line Press. She won the first Edwin Markham Poetry Prize in 2007, judged by California’s Poet Laureate Al Young, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2010. Erica teaches creative writing and humanities in the Bay Area and is a contributing editor for Cerise Press. She holds an MFA from San Jose State University.

{We will also be publishing the other poetry finalists. Please come back for updates.}

The 2010 Flash Fiction Contest winner is Nicole Reid for “We All Love the Dead.”

Nicole Louise Reid is the author of the new short story collection, So There! (SFA University Press), a novel, In the Breeze of Passing Things (MacAdam/Cage), and two fiction chapbooks, If You Must Know (Burnside Review Press) and Girls (RockSaw Press). Her award-winning short stories have appeared in the Southern Review, Other Voices, Quarterly West, Black Warrior Review, and Meridian. Winner of the 2010 Dana Award in Short Fiction and 2011 Burnside Review Fiction Chapbook Competition, she teaches creative writing at the University of Southern Indiana, where she directs the RopeWalk Reading Series and is editor of RopeWalk Press and fiction editor of Southern Indiana Review. Learn more or contact her here: www.NicoleLouiseReid.com.

The other finalists were:

“A Question of Dominion”
“Her Five Notes, Never Sent”
“Snakes and Dragons”
“The Cat Man”



2010 Poetry & Flash Fiction Contests Guidelines | Printable guidelines


Prize: $500 for the best poem & $500 for the best flash fiction plus publication in the journal. * Finalists in each genre will also be considered for publication.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: February 13, 2011


* Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
* Entries may not be previously or simultaneously published.
* All MMM staff members and family of staff members are ineligible.

Anonymous judging:

* Do not put your name on your work(s). All entries will be read anonymously.

* Include in your cover letter: (i) your name, (ii) e-mail address and phone number(s), (iii) mailing address, & (iv) the title(s) and genre of your submission.

* If you enter in both categories, please send them in separate envelopes.

* Mark “poetry contest” or “fiction contest” on the envelope.

* Mss. cannot be returned; do not send your only copies.

* Include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to receive the announcement of the winners.

* Send paper entries in duplicate.

Entry Fees:
$15 for as many as 5 poems per entry (total submission cannot exceed 10 pages).

$15 for as many as 2 flash fictions (or short-short story under 1,500 words each, typed double-spaced).

Entrants get a free subscription!
Make checks payable to: Many Mountains Moving.

Final Poetry Judge: TBA

Final Flash Fiction Judge: Thaddeus Rutkowski

Send to:
Many Mountains Moving
(Poetry or Flash Fiction) Contest
1705 Lombard St.
Phila. PA 19146

Or via e-mail, send an attachment (RTF, Word, WordPerfect or PDF) to [email protected] without any identification in the ms. itself. Then send a paper cover letter along with a check for $15 exactly as you would with a regular paper submission. (See above). Ms. will be acknowledged as received as soon as the check arrives.


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