Many Mountains Moving literary journal



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2003 Literary Events

>>Readings & Art Exhibitions
>>Writing Workshops
>>2002 Literary Events

Fiction writer Brian Kiteley reading at the April 2003 MMM/BMoCA Monthly Literary Salon. Photo courtesy of BMoCA.

Monthly Literary Salon

Our monthly literary salon is held on the third Wednesday of the month, from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art at 1750 13th Street, Boulder, Colorado. A different reader is featured each month. Readings begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. and are followed by a potluck dinner with time for participants to share their work.

R.S.V.P. to 303-545-9942 or E-mail [email protected]

Featured Salon Speakers

September 2004
Steve Collom

October 2004
The Minions

November 2004
Akilah Oliver

December 2004
Sue Ellen Campbell



Click here to see a video of recent poetry readings at the Salon and other MMM events.

Reading/Art Exhibition

Writing Workshops

Previous Workshops

a poetry workshop featuring Jeffrey Ethan Lee

Learn several methods to find the spontaneous voice within yourself. Learn to use other voices that inhabit or haunt you and your imagination, and let those voices create characters and situations. Learn a freewriting game that allows for a fun, collaborative exchange of inspiration and ideas. Learn to write a poem based upon a "still-life" analogous to those set up by visual artists. Learn to write a poem without adjectives, and learn why this exercise is a good idea.

Jeffrey Ethan Lee won the 2002 Sow's Ear Poetry Chapbook competition for The Sylf (published 2003), published Strangers in a Homeland (chapbook with Ashland Press, 2001), and won the first Tupelo Press Prize for literary fiction in 2001. He also created identity papers (2002), a full-length dramatic poem with music on CD (distributed by Drimala Records�visit and click on the In House label), and he won a generous grant from the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance to perform this dramatic poem with music, which was recorded with the support of a Special Opportunities Stipend grant from the PA Council on the Arts. He has published over 170 poems and stories in American Poetry Review, Crab Orchard Review, Crazyhorse, Crosscurrents, Green Mountain Review, Many Mountains Moving, Washington Square, and Xconnect. He teaches at University of Northern Colorado. Visit:


The Boulder Museum of Contemporary Arts is hosting two three-hour BMoCA/Many Mountains Moving writing workshops. Writers at any level may sign up for one or both of the workshops. The cost of two workshops is a total of $45, which includes a free issue of Many Mountains Moving. The cost of one workshop is $25. The first workshop will be held Friday, January 24 from 11 to 2 p.m., and will be taught by renowned author and poet Marilyn Krysl, author of numerous books, most recently How to Accomodate Men and Warscape with Lovers.

The second workshop will be hed Saturday, January 25 from 11 to 2 p.m., and will be taught by Alissa Reardon Norton, editor of the book One Quilt, One Moment. Alissa Reardon Norton is also the managing editor and former poetry editor of Many Mountains Moving. See below for a detailed description of each workshop.

To register, e-mail [email protected] or phone (303)641-4459 for further information.


a fiction workshop featuring Marilyn Krysl

This three hour workshop will begin with discussion of "Extinct Species"--a modern retelling of and humorous take off on the story of Eve, Adam and the creation. Participants will read this story prior to the workshop and bring it to the workshop for discussion. We will focus on the combining of myth--in this case, retelling mythic or classic stories in modern settings--and satire. Krysl will present material about the uses and advantages of both humor and satire and some of the satirist's devices, such as parody, caricature and burlesque, and participants will do writing exercises (bring a notebook) and discussion around these topics.

"Extinct Species" is available in How To Accommodate Men. Copies of the book will be available at WORD IS OUT, Boulder's women's bookstore at 1731 15th Street. Call Word is Out at 303-449-1415 to make sure the book is in stock. (A few copies may also be available at Boulder Bookstore and Barnes and Noble next to Whole Foods.)


a poetry workshop featuring Alissa Reardon Norton

In this 3-hour workshop, participants will discuss and practice the element of surprise in poetry. Norton will present material for discussion and lead several writing exercises that encourage the creation of surprising images, ideas, and lines for use in complete poems.

Participants will be asked to send two poems in progress by e-mail to the workshop leader prior to the workshop. We will discuss at least one work by each participant during the workshop and participants will also be invited to share material generated during the workshop session. Bring your notebooks and your best constructive comments for your fellow poets!

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