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Ashes in Midair (2008) by Susan Settlemyre Williams, MMM Book Prize Winner Selected by Yusef Komunyakaa.
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Silkie (2007) by Anne-Marie Cusac, MMM Book Prize Winner Selected by Patrick Lawler.
Feeding the Fear of the Earth (2006) by Patrick Lawler, MMM Press Poetry Book Prize Winner Selected by Susan Terris.
For Silkie, send a check for $14.95 plus $2.50 (price + postage = $17.45) to Many Mountains Moving/"Silkie"/ 1705 Lombard St., Phila. PA. 19146.
For Feeding the Fear of the Earth, send a check for $12.95 plus $2.50 (price + postage = $15.45) to Many Mountains Moving /"FFE"/ 1705 Lombard St., Phila. PA. 19146.
For invisible sister, send a check for $11.95 plus $2.50 (price + postage = $14.45) to Many Mountains Moving/"invisible sister"/ 1705 Lombard St., Phila. PA. 19146.
For They Sing At Midnight, send a check for $12.95 plus $2.50 (price + postage = $15.45) to Many Mountains Moving/"They Sing"/1705 Lombard St., Phila. PA. 19146.
All MMM Press titles are $10 (postage included) for MMM Subscribers!
Teacher Exam Copies and Review Copies of Ashes in Midair are free,
but inquire first to [email protected].
Other titles are available for $10, postage included.
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Indy Bookstores that carry some MMM Press Books
Book Buffs in Denver, CO. [Visit Book Buffs]
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U.S.A. 80210
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The Tattered Cover Book Store, Denver CO: [Visit Tattered Cover]
Tattered Cover Book Store at LoDo
1628 16th St, Denver, CO
(303) 436-1070
Joseph Fox Book Shop
1724 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA
(215) 563-4184
They Sing At Midnight (2003 by Alison Stone, MMM Book Prize Winner Selected by Thom Ward.
invisible sister (2004) by Jeffrey Ethan Lee, MMM Book Prize Finalist Selected by Naomi Horii.
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To order by mail: send a check for $15.95 plus $2.50 (price + postage/handling = $18.45) to Many Mountains Moving/1705 Lombard St., Phila. PA. 19146
Samples forthcoming....