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Many Mountains Moving: a 501(c)(3) literary arts organization

with a nationally-distributed literary journal, a poetry press, and arts events.

EXTENDED Poetry Book Contest | New MMM on the web poetry and flash fiction contests | [08/10/05]

The 2004-2005 Many Mountains Moving Poetry Book Contest is still OPEN.

Entries are still being accepted and read for the 2004-05 Poetry Book Contest!

Printable guidelines | PDF format guidelines

Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
Entries may not be previously or simultaneously published.
Staff members and their family members are ineligible to enter.

November 15, 2005 (postmark)

$750 and the winning collection will be published by Many Mountains Moving in 2006.

MMM and its guest judge, TBA, will select the winner of the Third Annual Many Mountains Moving Poetry Book Contest.

Entry Requirements:
Submissions must be previously unpublished.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable.

Send manuscripts of 50 to 100 pages of poetry.
Individual poems may have been published previously with permission from publisher to reprint each poem, but entire group of poems may not have been published as a collection.
Title of collection must appear on each page.
Author's name must NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript.
Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, title of work, and title of poetry collection must appear on the cover letter.


Send submissions to:
Many Mountains Moving Poetry Book Contest, Book Contest,
Many Mountains Moving, 420 22nd St. #WS, Boulder, CO 80302 USA
Include SASE with sufficient postage for response. Manuscripts will not be returned.


Entry fee: $25. This nonrefundable fee includes two issues of MMM.

EARLY entries postmarked by 09/16/05 also receive the first MMM Press Poetry Winner, They Sing at Midnight by Alison Stone.

Entry fee is reduced to $20 for past and present MMM contributors.



To order the first contest-winning book, They Sing at Midnight (2003), by Alison Stone, please visit MMM Press for more information.

To order invisible sister, he poetry book by Jeffrey Ethan Lee, please visit MMM Press for more information.

To pre-order the second contest-winning book, Feeding the Fear of the Earth, by Patrick Lawler, send queries to [email protected] or visit MMM Press for more information.








2005 Poetry

& Flash Fiction


$200 prizes plus publication online (2005) and in print (2006).

All entrants receive a free back issue.

Printable guidelines | PDF format guidelines

* Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
* Entries may not be previously or simultaneously published.
* Staff members and their family members are ineligible to enter.

Prizes: $200 cash prize for the best poem & $200 cash prize for the best flash fiction.
* Publication online in the first MMM web issue in 2005 and publication in print in 2006.
* The top five finalists in each genre will also be published online.

* DEADLINE postmark September 22, 2005.

EARLY Entries sent by 08/31/05 get a bonus issue!

* Winners announced by October 31st 2005.
* Do not put your name on your work(s). All entries will be read anonymously.
* Include in a cover letter:
(i) your name
(ii) e-mail address and phone number(s)
(iii) mailing address
(iv) the title(s) and genre of your submission.
* If you enter in both categories, please send them in separate envelopes.
* Mark “poetry submission” or “fiction submission” on the envelope.
* Mss. cannot be returned; do not send your only copies.
* Include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to receive the announcement of the winners.

$10 for as many as 5 poems per entry (total submission cannot exceed 10 pages).
$10 for as many as 2 flash fictions (or short-short story under 1,000 words, typed double-spaced).
Make checks payable to: Many Mountains Moving.

Final Judges: TBA

Send to:
Many Mountains Moving
(Poetry or Flash Fiction) Contest
420 22nd St.
Boulder, CO 80302









National RecognitionSelections from Many Mountains Moving have been published in the Best American Poetry and Pushcart Prize anthologies.

Many Mountains Moving mission statement:

1. to foster appreciation of diverse cultures through top-notch literature and art

2. to provide support and recognition for both established and emerging writers and artists

3. to provide a much-needed literary space for writers of diverse backgrounds.

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