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They Sing at Midnight (2003) by Alison Stone, 1st winner of the MMM Press Poetry Book Contest


responses | sample poems | bio

Alison Stone's They Sing webpage


“If you’re not careful, Alison Stone will devour you.... a voice both edgy and generous, and dozens of surprises that kept me interested and eager for more. In poem after poem the heart-intelligent energy transference from writer to reader happened and happened fully.”
—Thom Ward, contest judge

More responses....

invisible sister (2004) by Jeffrey Ethan Lee, finalist in the 1st MMM Press Book Contest


responses | poems & audio | bio

the invisible sister webpage


“The title poem [is] a tour de force of persona and plot as a brother watches his sister careen out of control.... Lee’s careful line breaks, as well as his deft use of white space and text, suggest a deliberate and thoughtful architecture. There is much to be admired in all of Jeffrey Ethan Lee’s poetic personas and voices....”
—Denise Duhamel for American Book Review

Feeding the Fear of the Earth (2006) by Patrick Lawler, 2nd winner of the MMM Press Poetry Book Contest

responses | sample poems | bio

the Feeding the Fear website


“Feeding the Fear of the Earth is an outrageously original collection.”
—Susan Terris

“Lawler gathers characters as diverse as Christopher Smart, Ed McMahon, and Rosa Parks. Ecological and ethereal, political and historical, philosophical and physical, this astonishing book is a place where anyone who has walked the earth can rub up against anyone else.”
—Linda Tomol Pennisi, author of Seamless

About Alison Stone

Alison Stone is a poet, painter, psychotherapist, and yoga teacher. More than a hundred of her poems have appeared in The Paris Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, and many other magazines and anthologies. She was awarded the Frederick Boch Prize by Poetry and the Madeline Sadin Award by New York Quarterly. Ms. Stone spent nine years producing oil paintings of the 78 images of the tarot. The Stone Tarot Deck ( reproduces her paintings, which reflect the integration and synthesis of art and mysticism. The cover of They Sing at Midnight is from the Stone Tarot.

About Jeffrey Ethan Lee

Lee's new poetry book, identity papers, is forthcoming from Ghost Road Press in 2006. His first book, invisible sister was published in 2004. Lee won the 2002 Sow's Ear Poetry Chapbook prize ($1,000) for The Sylf (2003), created identity papers for Drimala Records, published Strangers in a Homeland (chapbook with Ashland Poetry Press, 2001), and published hundreds of poems and stories in Many Mountains Moving, Xconnect, Crab Orchard Review, Crazyhorse, Crosscurrents, Green Mountain Review, Washington Square. He teaches creative writing at U of Northern CO. Visit He has a Ph.D. and an MFA from NYU.


About Patrick Lawler

Lawler's previous poetry books are: A Drowning Man is Never Tall Enough (University of Georgia Press) and reading a burning book (Basfal Books). He has won fellowships from the NY State Foundation for the Arts, the NEA, and the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts. An Associate Professor at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, he teaches Environmental Writing and Nature Literature, and he teaches creative writing, playwriting and writing for performance at Onondaga Community College and LeMoyne College.

To order a copy, send a check for $12.95 plus $1.59 (price + postage = $14.54) to Many Mountains Moving/"They Sing"/ 3775 W. 25th St., F 202, Greeley, CO 80634


Or visit Alison Stone's own web page for They Sing at Midnight.

To order , send a check for $11.95 plus $1.59 (price + postage = $13.54) to Many Mountains Moving / invisible / 3775 W. 25th St., F 202, Greeley, CO 80634


Ask for the free audio CD.

To order a copy, send a check for $12.95 plus $1.59 (price + postage = $14.54) to Many Mountains Moving /"FFE"/ 3775 W. 25th St., F 202, Greeley, CO 80634


Please come back to visit the Feeding the Fear of the Earth website.









Teacher Examination copies of all titles are available for $8.00 plus $1.59 shipping.

Reviewer copies are free (please inquire.)







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