Persona/Character creation Exercise

(adapted from an exercise by poet/fiddler Ken Waldman, visit


Step 1.
Write down any twelve (or more) names in alphabetical order, e.g.
Amber, Brian, Carol, Devon, Edward, Frances, Gus, Hal, Joanne, Karl, Leah, Malcolm,
or Natalie, Oliver, Penny, Quinn, Rose, Stephanie, Tiphany, Ulla, Victor, Wayne, Xavier, Yorick.


Step 2.
Combine any two or three of the above to create a character you want to write about, e.g. “Leah Malcolm” or “Brian Abner” or “Penny Rose” or “Yorick Wayne” etc.


Step 3.
Answer these questions or (address these issues) below as you write about this character. Don’t try to answer these in order; start with what you think is most important, and feel free to add any other important elements you like.


The character has an unusual facial trait or a hair issue. What is it?

She or he has a favorite article of clothing. What is it?

She or he has a chronic physical ailment or affliction. What is it?

She or he has a strong emotional reaction to a machine or other physical object (car, PC, washer/dryer, bike, skateboard etc.) What is it?

She or he has a place (or knows a place) that carries great personal meaning. What is it?

She or he has a talent or skill that is great but not obvious. What is it?

She or he has a desire that is great but not known or acknowledged. What is it?

She or he has a secret/guilty pleasure. What is it?

She or he wants to do something that has an impact on another character. What is it?


After you have played this game a few times, you can invent your own set of questions.